Shroud Cays / Warderick Wells Cay

shroud cay warderick wells exumasShroud Cays / Warderick Wells Cay is the perfect stop for visiting the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. These cays are owned by the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park and have an archipelago of cays and rocks surrounding a shallow tidal mangrove salina which serves as a unique nursery for conch, crawfish (lobster), sea turtles, birds and many varieties of fish.

You can hike to Boo Boo Hill with its blowholes or explore some of the world’s oldest stromatolite reefs. Ride in the dinghy through the shallow mangroves and creeks that meander across the island. You’ll be able to spot turtles, sea rays and nurse sharks. Once you reach the east side of the island, you will enter a blue lagoon and set foot on one of the most beautiful beaches in the Bahamas. Stroll Driftwood Beach and take the steep walk to Camp Driftwood, be aware that you can no longer leave mementos, only rocks.

If you are a hiker, we recommend hiking in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat of the day. Boo-Boo hill is the highest point on Warderick Wells and is a great spot to enjoy panoramic views of the island. 


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